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你知道什么是「勾小手指」吗?或许这是你儿时的把戏, 也可能你现在仍不时会这样作,好像我常和儿女勾小手指一样。 玩法是:有人答应你一件事,你想肯定他们的诚意,便提出「 勾小手指」,于是你们两人把小手指勾住,表示一言为定。 你也可以勾住自己的两只小手指,以示一诺千金。 虽然这只是一个把戏,却有助小孩子明白,承诺是很重要的。
成人也会用行动证明他们会尊重自己许下的承诺。 例如双方在达成一项买卖后会互相握手; 新娘和新郎在婚礼中交换戒指来订下盟誓。这些建基于信心的记号, 表示大家都是认真地许下承诺的。
Are you familiar with the "pinky swear"?
Perhaps you remember it from childhood or still play it from time to time, as I
do with my children. Here's how it works: someone promises you something, and
because you want to make sure they mean it, you say the words "pinky
swear." The two of you then hook your pinky fingers together to confirm
the promise that has been made. You can also link both your pinkies to seal the
promise with a "double pinky swear." While this is just a game, it
can help kids learn that promises are important.
Adults also accompany
their promises with actions to show that they intend to honor their commitments.
People shake hands after a business deal. In a wedding ceremony the bride and
groom confirm their vows by placing rings on each other's fingers. Done in good
faith, these signs indicate that when people make promises, they mean what they
are saying.
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